What’s in a name? Well, Joe Joe Jims is named after Joe, Joe and Jim Fletcher. Joe was a Son of the first Joe and Jim was a Son of the second Joe: each was a Showman who entertained Millions of mostly Midlands people from before 1920 to 1995 and provided the fun that suited the trends of the day. Each of them changed with the times to do it their way … leading to where we are today with Joe Joe Jims offering a great mix of fun, drinks, retro games and live entertainment. Oh, and the current ‘Fletcher’ is Joe too but you can have too much of a good thing when it comes to naming a business!

Joe, Joe …
One of `Old Joe`s` specialities was Big Side Shows depicting wax figures with scenes from history such as `Bluebeards Execution` or the `Palace of Versailles`. These were years before film and decades before television and even longer before computers!
Joe`s speciality was Gambling and Amusement Arcades. He was among the first to set-up `Permanent` licenced establishments in many Towns and Seaside resorts around the 1920`s.

… and Jim
Jim’s specialities were many, as he had to `move with the times` many times. From keeping going the Arcade at the Lickey`s including Shooters and Merry Go Rounds to being among the first operators of gambling machines (One Armed Bandits) in pubs, clubs, bars and café around Birmingham from the 1950`s.
He also operated Prize Bingo from its infancy, designed and manufactured gambling and amusement games and succeeded early with electronic games including the latest thing `video games`!